Egypt continue as a center for anti semitic publications



Intelligence and Terrorism Information Center
at the Center for Special Studies (C.S.S)

October 29 , 2006




The Arab hate industry: Egypt continues as a center for the publication of crude anti-Semitic literature encouraging hatred for Israel, the Jewish people and the West, and in effect justifying the use of violence against them.

A selection of anti-Semitic books published in Egypt during the past few years
and sold at the International Book Fair in Qatar in December 2005



Between December 21 and 31, 2005, the 17 th International Book Fair was held in Doha , Qatar , under the auspices of the Qatari ruler, sponsored by the National Council for Culture, Arts and Heritage of Qatar. Three hundred and fifty publishers from 17 Arab and Muslim countries had booths exhibiting over 65,000 titles in Arabic and foreign languages, some of it anti-Semitic literature published in Arab countries. Prominent in the anti-Semitic field were Syria, Lebanon and Egypt . 1

This follow-up Bulletin surveys a selection of anti-Semitic books published in Egypt between 2000 and 2006 and sold at the international book fair in Qatar . It includes information about the authors and publishers. Some of the publishing houses are large and well-known , which lends the literature an air of respectability .

The books published in Egypt include anti-Semitic texts which reflect great hostility toward Israel , the Jewish people and the West, and in effect justify the use of violence against them. The main themes appearing in the books are:


•  The Jews are responsible for all the ills of the world . They distribute drugs and pornographic movies, finance houses of prostitution and encourage corruption.

•  Without a doubt, The Protocols of the Elders of Zion are authentic and reflect the Jewish plot to take over the world. The Jews aspire to cause global crises, take over international finance and harness the media to serve their needs.

•  Denial of the Holocaust , or minimizing it and reducing its importance while comparing it to the so-called Israeli “holocaust” against the Palestinians. The books claim that the Nazis did not kill six million Jews, there were no crematoria and the Jews invented the “Holocaust lie” to extort money from European countries.

•  The use of early Islamic traditions to “prove” that the Jews have always betrayed and plotted against the Arabs (comparing, for instance, the security fence being built by Israel for the prevention of terrorist attacks to the fence the Khaybar Jews built, who according to Muslim tradition betrayed the prophet Muhammad and were expelled from their dwelling places).

•  The West has only contempt for Islam and Muslims . As an example one of the books states that during the Crusades poems and stories were written slandering Islam and Muslims, including horror stories about the Christian Crusaders' eating the flesh of their Muslim victims.

•  During the Second World War the liberal West was as guilty of war crimes as Hitler . The United States , which boasts of being a democracy, encourages terrorism, racism and the dictatorships of the world.


The contents of the books express anti-Semitism with principally Western sources, inspired particularly by The Protocols of the Elders of Zion . At the same time anti-Semitism based on Islamic sources is also present , although to a lesser degree. In addition, some of the authors are high-placed PhDs, which makes the literature more “respectable” because they are often interviewed by the Arab media and some of them are often quoted by the Arab Internet news sites. However, some of them are unknown and apparently some of them use pen names.

Making such literature available at the Doha International Book Fair clearly illustrates that Egypt continues as a center for the widespread distribution of hate literature in the Arab-Muslim world despite its peace treaty with Israel . 2 The Egyptian regime would seem to apply rigorous standards of censorship to subjects concerning its own internal security but avoids taking effective steps when the issue is incitement against Israel , the Jews and the liberal West.

Anti-Semitic books published in Egypt and sold at the Doha Book Fair in Qatar


Anti-Semitic books published by the Al-Raya lil-Nashr wal-I'lam Center


Al-Raya lil-Nashr wal-I'lam Center Publishers are located in Cairo at 30 Al-Hussein Square . They publish particularly vicious anti-Semitic books.


Hitler and Falsified History


The front cover


The book was written by Yasser Husseim, about whom no information is available, possibly a pseudonym, and published in 2000 (first edition).

The Introduction (pages 1-3) attacks the liberal West and opposes blaming Hitler for war crimes during the Second World War. Rather, he blames the West, especially the United States , for encouraging terrorism, racism and dictatorships, and says, “ America , which boasts of being a democracy, encourages dictators in the Third World, in Haiti , the Philippines , Iran , Korea and Nicaragua . America and Britain fought together [in the Second World War], side by side, and also side by side with the greatest dictatorship in the world, Russia .”

In the Introduction he also deals with the Jews, who, he claims, have brainwashed the Western world into thinking that Hitler was responsible for the Second World War's crimes in order to create sympathy for their own objectives. He states, “This ideological invasion which the Jews conduct is more dangerous than a military invasion, more dangerous than the intoxicating drugs they send us, more dangerous than the houses of prostitution they finance, more dangerous than the pornographic movies that reach us…more dangerous than their polluted foods…”

On page 4 Hussein blames the victims for the crimes committed against them. Under the heading “The enemies of Nazi Germany – the Jews, the most inferior race,” he lists a long series of rulers who persecuted the Jews. He asks, “Were they all wrong and the Jews right?” and answers, “What [the Jews] call ‘persecution' is [merely] the response to their obscene acts, which we can easily find [theorized in] in their holy book and put into practice around us.”

 On pages 4-5, under the heading “The Jewish plot to destroy the world,” in the paragraph entitled “The takeover of the international financial system,” he states that the Jews accumulate money through interest, speculation and monopolies in order to cause global crises. He continues, “The Jews worship money, especially gold. Who can forget the Golden Calf?” On pages 5-8, writing in the spirit of The Protocols of the Elders of Zion , he accuses the Jews of having taken over the communications media for their own purposes as part of their plot to take over the world. The Jews are also accused of spreading discord and rivalry between the countries of the world, and of responsibility for the spread of Communism, atheism and corruption worldwide.


In the Conclusion, pages 200-201, under the heading “Final word” he asks, “All that remains to be asked is who the criminal was?” and answers, “Did Hitler drop the atom bomb? Was Hitler responsible for the spread of Communism and its takeover of half the world? Was Hitler responsible for the victory of the Jews, the most inferior race of men, and for all the evil prevalent [in the world]?”



The Encyclopedia of the Most Famous Wars in History – the Jewish Wars

The front cover: a Jewish Israeli soldier aims a gun at the reader
while a bomb explodes in the background.


The book was published in 2005 (first edition) and was also written by Yasser Hussein. It is laced with implacable hatred for the Jews and the State of Israel.


On page 15 he quotes an Austrian Jew named Artur Trebitsch, who in 1921 published a book called The German-Jewish Spirit . 3 In it he claimed that beyond any shadow of a doubt, The Protocols of the Elders of Zion were genuine and part of the political, economic and intellectual lives of the Jews, whose ambition was to take over the world. Hussein used the quotation as the basis for his claim that The Protocols are genuine and reflect the insidious spirit of the Jews.


On pages 71-75 he claims that the Jewish control of the world media as part of their world conspiracy, and accuses the Jews of interfering with freedom of expression and with using their control of the media to threaten the world. On pages 94-96 he claims that the plans of The Protocols have been realized, “proving” the truth of the Jewish conspiracy theory.


On pages 190-213 he uses verses from the Qur'an to show that the Jews are infidels and corrupt. Some of the interpretations are based on sheikh Yussuf al-Qardawi, infamous for his support of terrorism and suicide bombing attacks.


Humor in the service of hatred: Once There Was a Jew
Who…, A Study of Jewish Jokes


The front cover: unflattering caricatures of former Israeli prime ministers,
and a laughing man (lower right corner)


Once There Was a Jew Who…, 4 A Study of Jewish Jokes deals with jokes which show the inherently base nature of the Jews. It is one of many of the same genre making the rounds of the Arab world. It was written by an unknown author named Ahmad Fuad and published in 1998 (first edition).


On pages 9-10 the the publisher's foreword states that the purpose of the book is “to know the enemy.” On page 11 he claims to expose the mindset, customs and desires of the Jews and show their racism, stinginess, xenophobia and other traits: “The Israelis and the Jews have held us [the Arabs] in contempt for years, and the time has come for us to get our revenge in a mocking [but] scientific way.”


The book (apparently written by someone who knows Hebrew) presents jokes and anecdotes about Israeli society which purport to make manifest the vile Jewish character. On page 222, the last page of the book he states: “In conclusion, it should be said that after this journey, or this adventure, to the valley of stupidity, racism and Israeli-Jewish extremism, we desire only to hear of the death of the last racist Zionist Jew, even if he dies laughing.”


Anti-Semitic books published by Madbouly Publishers


The Madbouly Publishers' home page


The Semitic Sword – My Experiences [literally, Story] with the Holocaust Lie



The front cover: an orthodox Jew examines a lulav (palm branch, one of the symbols of the Succot holiday) with a magnifying glass


The author, Dr. Rif’at Sayyid Ahmad


The book was written by Dr. Rif'at Sayyid Ahmad, a well-known Egyptian journalist apparently of Palestinian extraction, who is head of the Jaffa Center for Study and Research in Cairo . The book was published in 2005 (first edition), and is an amplification of an affair which began in July 2004, when he wrote an article which caused a wave of protest in Israel and the United states and accused him of anti-Semitism. It was widely discussed in the Egyptian press, and the result was this book, which is laced with hatred for the Jewish people, the State of Israel and the United States . 5


The dedication on page 7 reads: “To the land of Palestine, to its olive trees, its children against whom a cruel, modern Holocaust 6 is being waged, one that casts a shadow over the purported Nazi Holocaust against the Jews, this book is dedicated with love and the promise of a struggle [for the sake of Palestinian].”


In the Introduction Dr. Ahmad notes that the article written for the Egyptian paper Al-Liwa' al-Islami in July 2004 stirred up anger among Jews and within the American government, and they protested to the Egyptian regime for allowing such an anti-Semitic book to be published and distributed. The heads of the Egyptian government claimed that as far as they were concerned the author was not anti-Semitic and was entitled to express his opinion.


The original article appears on pages 15-18 under the heading “The lie of [the Nazis'] burning the Jews [during the Holocaust].” Dr. Ahmad claims that to realize their plans, the Jews fabricated a series of lies: that they were “the Chosen People,” that Palestine was “the Promised Land,” that the Jews were cremated by the Nazis during the Second World War.


He claims that on that basis the Jews extort money from European countries, enabling Israel to ignore international law and harm the Palestinians. Arabs and Muslims, he says, , must fight to expose “the lie of the crematoria”, that is, to deny the Holocaust. He also claims that the crematoria were not used for the Jews, citing other books, which claim that during the Holocaust there were no gas ovens and crematoria.


Who stole the book [the Qur'an]? 7

The front cover


The book was also written by Dr. Rif'at Sayyid Ahmad and published in 2006 (first edition).


It surveys the main political events of recent years relating to American-Israeli and American-Arab-Islamic relations. Its attitude is blatantly anti-Israeli, anti-American, anti-Semitic and hostile to Christianity.


On page 128 Dr. Ahmad draws an analogy between the security fence currently being built between by Israel against terrorist attacks and the fence built by the Jews around their city of Khaybar in the Arabian Peninsula in the 7 th century AD. 8 Therefore, he states, “this fence [the security fence] reminds us of the fence of the Khaybar Jews, and their defilement, which caused the emissary of Allah [Muhammad], may the prayer of Allah and his blessing of peace be upon him, to send the imam ‘Ali, may Allah be generous to him, to stop their treachery and put an end to their plots. Today's Jews are reliving their loathsome history in Palestine , but this time more strongly and with more long-term goals…”


On page 121 he praises the notion of “resistance” ( muqawamah , i.e., violence and terrorism against Israel ) and the Palestinian shaheeds . He states that “the resistance supports the destruction of the American-Zionist project, which is hostile to the entire [Islamic] nation.” On page 251 he praises Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah , who, claims the book, outlined the models of jihad and death as a martyr for the sake of Allah appropriate for the “struggle” against Israel and the United States . On page 357 he justifies the suicide bombing attacks of Palestinians against Israelis as “Palestinian self-defense .”


On pages 414-419 he fans the flames of Muslim hatred for Christians. Under the heading “Lies and Mistakes,” the book claims that the West disdains Islam and Muslims, expressed in Crusade descriptions. According to Dr. Ahmad, during the Crusades poems and stories were written in Europe slandering Islam and the Muslims, including descriptions of violence and cruelty inflicted by the Christians on the Muslims. One of the claims was that they ate their Muslim victims. He also claims that over the years there have been many stories expressing European hostility to Muslims.


On page 805 he refers to the anti-Semitic TV series, Knight without a Horse , which was broadcast on many Arab satellite channels during the Muslim holy month of Ramadan in 2004. He claims that the series “proves” Jewish subversion and the Zionist plots in Palestine . On pages 806-809 he refers to the “clear Jewish subversion” evident in The Protocols of the Elders of Zion .


On pages 868-872 he refers to his book The Semitic Sword – My Experiences with the Holocaust Lie , and claims that the attendant criticism to which he and the Egyptian press were exposed by Israel and the United States were blamed on anti-Semitism, showing the weakness of the Arab regimes and the United States ' control over them .


The Zionist Media and their System of Propaganda


The front cover


The book was written by Dr. Muhammad ‘Ali Hawat, vice president of Ibb University in Yemen , and published in 2006 (first edition). Between 1990 and 1996 he was the Yemenite military attaché to the embassy in Cairo . 9


On pages 46-54 he states that the Jews now have world-wide control of the press and they channel it as they please. On page 47 he says, “ Since the [ London ] Times, the oldest British newspaper was founded [1788], it has served as a tool of Jewish destruction and of the hidden Jewish government, and operates in accordance with the [devious] plots designed by the Jewish devils either behind the scenes or overtly, with neither fear nor shame . The Jews [also] founded the [ London ] Daily Telegraph, and in 1855 [the year the paper was founded] the Jews Morris Levy and Levi Lawson bought it and since then it has operated exactly as the Times [i.e.,] in the service of world Jewry…” 10


On page 48 he notes that “the Jews [also] took over other media, broadcasting networks, movies, television, theatres and nightclubs to pave the way for the destruction of [British] national morality, and to effect a religious conversion and turn them into a blind herd which would serve world Jewry and Zionism.”


On page 98 he claims that the Zionist media operate to achieve Zionist objectives. He blames the Jews for turning the Holocaust into a myth to enlist world support. On pages 194-195 he reminds the reader of Holocaust denier David Irving, 11 and quotes him. He also notes that the Jews raised a storm of protest to prevent his book from being published, claiming that it was anti-Semitic, and that in the end he had to publish it himself. The story proves, he claims, that the Jews control the British media. He expresses complete identity with Irving and casts doubt about the number of Holocaust victims.


On page 217 he claims that Zionists have always been involved in every destructive movement on earth. They were, according to him, behind the outbreak of the First World War, which they exploited for financial gain by lending money at usurious rates and selling arms to cause the political, economic and financial collapse of Europe .


Anti-Semitic books published by Dar al-Shorouk Publishers


Dar al-Shorouk Publishers issue, among others, anti-Semitic works and works by the ideological heads of radical Islam, such as Sayyid Qutub and Yussuf al-Qardawi. Its Website has a link to that of Qardawi, who, as noted above, supports suicide bombing terrorism. One of their most anti-Semitic authors is ‘Abd al-Wahhab el-Messiri.

The Dar al-Shorouk Publishers' home page


Zionism, Nazism and the End of History



The front cover


The author, Dr. ‘Abd al-Wahab el-Messiri


The book was written by Dr. ‘Abd al-Wahab el-Messiri , an educated Egyptian who specializes in writing about the Judaism and Zionism. In 1999 he published an eight-volume anti-Semitic “encyclopedia” of Judaism which won first prize at the Cairo Book Fair that year. Israel protested but the book was never taken off the shelves in Egypt . El-Messiri has written many other anti-Semitic books, including Zionism, Nazism and the End of History . It was published by Dar al-Shorouk and went through a number of editions, the first and second in 1997, the third in 2001 and the fourth in 2005. 12


El-Messiri focuses on what he claims was the strong connection between Zionism and Nazism, and drawing an analogy between the acts of the Nazis against the Jews and the acts of Israel against the Palestinians. In addition, he tries to minimize the severity of the Holocaust and the number of Jewish victims, and claims that Zionism has created a Palestinian Holocaust. The foreword was written by Mohamed Hassanein Heikal , who was aide to the late Egyptian president, Gamal Abdul Nasser, and the editor of the popular Egyptian newspaper Al-Ahram. He showers praise on el-Messiri the man, his great intelligence and his determination to find out the truth.


On pages 89-90 el-Messiri claims that the Zionists exploit the Holocaust for their own benefit and use it to justify the horrors they inflict on the Palestinians. He also claims that the Zionists made sure to get reparations from Germany and used the money to finance the Zionist settlement and support the Israeli economy. On pages 105-109 he continues his comparison between Nazism and Zionism, and claims that “without a doubt, the expression ‘final solution' is the fundamental expression of Zionist ideology.”


Further on, he denies the extent of the Holocaust: “the Nazis desperately needed workers, why would the war machine waste its time destroying millions instead of using them as slave laborers?” On pages 113-116, under the heading “Six million Jews: [Was that] the number of European Jews annihilated by the Nazis?” he notes that the number six million is inexact, and that in actuality fewer Jews were killed, basing his claim on studies refuting the accepted statistics of the six million Jews who were murdered in the Holocaust during the Second World War.


The Protocols, Judaism and Zionism


The front cover: The seven-branched candelabrum, the symbol of Judaism and the State of Israel, is poised over the word Protocols, in case the reader is in doubt as to which Protocols are meant.


The Protocols , Judaism and Zionism was also written by el-Messiri and has gone through four editions, the first in January 2003, the second in April 2003, the third in May 2–3 and the fourth in January 2005.


In his Introduction, el-Messiri writes that “some [people] are of the opinion that hatred for the Jews, vilifying them and exposing their true and supposed evil deeds are the most effective way to fight Zionism. Based on that opinion, they think that circulating a document like The Protocols is part of the struggle against the Zionist enemy, and they therefore make it seem important and act as though it were worthy of respect because it is a key to understanding Jewish character and Zionist projects.”


He then states that his study begins with a completely opposite assumption, regarding The Protocols of the Elders of Zion as a biased forgery, claiming that the source of hatred for the Jews is to be found within the Zionist camp (to increase the Jews' ability to make people more in awe of them). On page 43 he states that The Protocols of the Elders of Zion have made the Arabs think the Jews have enormous capabilities, which in reality do not exist, and that, he claims, makes the Arabs fail in their dealings with Israel .


On pages 149-164 he compares Zionism with Nazism , and states that “Zionism, therefore, is the outcome of a profound hatred for the Jews and a strong desire to rescue Europe from them. That hatred is manifested in the firm relationship between Zionism and Nazism.” He goes on the draw an analogy between the acts of the Nazis against the Jews during the Second World War and the acts of the Jews against the Palestinians.


On page 247, under the heading, “ The end of Israel ,” he notes that the Zionist enterprise has undergone constant attrition while at the same time the Palestinian struggle has strengthened, which proves, in his opinion, that both the Arab victory and the end of Israel are approaching.



1 For further information see our Information Bulletins entitled “ The Arab hate industry Lebanon is still a center for the distribution of anti-Semitic literature, including books by Hezbollah's publishing house… ,” at and , and “ The hate industry - Syria as a source for the distribution of anti-Semitic literature… ” at .

2 An example of The Protocols of the Elders of Zion which was published in Egypt and sold in Britain can be found in our Information Bulletin entitled “Exporting Arabic anti-Semitic publications issued in the Middle East to Britain…,” at and .

3 The book was published in Berlin in 1921 as Deutschergest oder Judentum .

4 The Arabic equivalent of “Three guys walk into a bar…”

5 See the Arabic site, .

6 The author uses the English term “Holocaust.”

7 The term al-mushaf means book or volume, and sometimes, apparently here as well, it refers to the Qur'an.

8 According to Muslim tradition, the Jews of Khaybar, an oasis about 95 miles north of Medina, betrayed the prophet Muhammad and plotted against him, with the result that he expelled them, but later returned them that they might work the land. As for the fence around Khaybar, the Jews built it to keep out non-Jews. During the time of the Caliph Umar ibn al-Khattab they were expelled for the last time. Many of Israel 's Muslim enemies use the Khaybar story as the basis for a claim that the Jews are subversive, and that their expulsion, this time from the land of Israel , is approaching. As for the fence around Khaybar, the Jews built it to keep out non-Jews.

9 See Arab sites , and

10 The expression “world Jewry” is used by anti-Semites to describe the “Jewish plot” referred to in The Protocols of the Elders of Zion .

11 A British subject who in February of this year was convicted in Austria of denying the Holocaust and sentenced to three years in prison.

12 According to the Introduction, pp. 7-20, and the author's Website, .

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